Alright. With about a week and a half remaining before the Gotland Game Conferance I figured that it's about time to get started on this blog.
I am the lead programmer on the Overkill project and I am also the one in charge of the network aspect of the code. I am currently in the middle of rewriting large parts of the code of the other programmers to get it to work in multiplayer. It was a bit of a miss in our development, since most of the code was initially developed to work in single player, rather than adapting it for multiplayer and the network right from the start. However, it is nothing that a few late nights cannot fix.
With Teddy being busy with his Dwarfs project, the workload of the remaining programmers has increased a fair bit, and with only a short amount of time remaining we are in quite a hurry to get everything in order. I do however remain confident that we will get a good, playable build done in time.
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